
Water Sports

Interdum exercitation penatibus, praesentium facilisi accusamus fermentum, sagittis.


Kalliatakis, N.; Naeem, N.; Prakasha, P. S.; Nagel, B.

Improving Aerial Wildfire Fighting Effectiveness Using Future Climate Sensitivities and Novel Aircraft Concepts Conference

READ , Warsaw, 2024.

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Benedetti, G.; Gauthier, R.; Oppelstrup, J.; Rizzi, A.; Vos, J. B.; Zhang, M.

Aircraft design using CEASIOMpy: A Modular and Open-Source Python Environment for Aircraft Design – A Tool for rapid evaluations Conference

READ , Warsaw, 2024.

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Bussemaker, J.; Saves, P.; Bartoli, N.; Lefebvre, T.; Lafage, R.

System Architecture Optimization Strategies: Dealing with Expensive Hierarchical Problems Journal Article

In: Journal of Global Optimization, vol. 90, no. 4, 2024.

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Halle-Hannan, E.; Saves, P.; Audet, C.; Bartoli, N.; Bussemaker, J.; Diouane, Y.; Lafage, R.; Digabel, S. Le; Lefebvre, T.; Morlier, J.; Van, E. Nguyen

A graph-structured distance for heterogeneous datasets with meta variables Conference

AISSAI , Toulouse, 2024.

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Prakasha, P. S.; Naeem, N.; Amadori, K.; Akbari, J.; Nicolosi, F.; Franzen, L. K.; Ruocco, M.; Nagel, B.

COLOSSUS EU Project - Collaborative System of Systems Exploration of Aviation Products, Services and Business Models: Overview and Approach Conference

ICAS , Florence, 2024.

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Nugnes, V.; Varriale, C.; Ratei, P.; P.S,; Prakasha,; Nagel, B.

A System of Systems Aircraft Design Framework Demonstration using a seaplane transport network in the Greek islands Conference

ICAS , Florence, 2024.

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Franzen, L. K.

Concept of Operations in an Agent-Based Simulations: A System-Of-Systems Approach Conference

ICAS , Florence, 2024.

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Tuccillo, M.; Nicolosi, F.; Vecchia, P. Della

Multidisciplinary preliminary design process of hybrid-electric seaplane Conference

ICAS , Florence, 2024.

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Fioriti, M.; Borghi, M.; Pavan, G.

Environmental and economic assessment of an eVTOL aircraft fleet for Urban Air Mobility Conference

ICAS , Florence, 2024.

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Gauthier, R.

Development of the AeroFrame module in CEASIOMpy Masters Thesis

Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne, 2024.

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Bussemaker, J. H.; Saves, P.; Bartoli, N.; Lefebvre, T.; Nagel, B.

Surrogate-Based Optimization of System Architectures Subject to Hidden Constraints Conference

AIAA Aviation , Las Vegas, 2024.

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Bussemaker, J. H.; Boggero, L.; Nagel, B.

System Architecture Design Space Exploration: Integration with Computational Environments and Efficient Optimization Conference

AIAA Aviation , Las Vegas, 2024.

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Spieck, M.; Franzén, L. K.; Prakasha, P. S.; Amadori, K.; Naeem, N.

A Capability-Focused Approach to Model Complex, Multi-Layered System-of-Systems Conference

AIAA Aviation , Las Vegas, 2024.

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Pereira, L. T. Lima; Wang, S.; Ragni, D.

A preliminary design framework for performance and noise assessment of urban air mobility vehicles Conference

AIAA/CEAS , Rome, 2024.

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Saves, P.; Bussemaker, J. H; Lafage, R.; Lefebvre, T.; Bartoli, N.; Diouane, Y.; Morlier, J.

System-of-systems Modeling and Optimization: An Integrated Framework for Intermodal Mobility Conference

ODAS , Braunschweig, 2024.

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Saves, P.; Bussemaker, J. H; Lafage, R.; Lefebvre, T.; Bartoli, N.; Diouane, Y.; Morlier, J.

Surrogate-Based Modeling and Optimization of Expensive System Architectures Problems Conference

Advances in AI for Aerospace Engineering , Braunschweig, 2024.

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Saves, P.; Van, E. Nguyen; Bartoli, N.; Lefebvre, T.; Diouane, Y.; Morlier, J.

Gaussian process for Bayesian optimization with mixed hierarchical variables: Application to electric-hybrid aircraft eco-design Conference

RT-UQ Bayesian Optimization , Paris, 2024.

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Saves, P.; Diouna, Y.; Bartoli, N.; Lefebvre, T.; Morlier, J.

High-dimensional mixed-categorical Gaussian processes with application to multidisciplinary design optimization for a green aircraft Journal Article

In: Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, vol. 67, no. 81, 2024.

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Zutta, L.

Progetto dei sistemi di bordo di velivoli antincendio ibrido-elettrici Masters Thesis

Politecnico di Torino, 2024.

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Casamassima, F.

Modello parametrico di stima dei costi di una flotta di velivoli antincendio Masters Thesis

Politecnico di Torino, 2024.

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Naeem, N.; Berger, M.; Cigal, N.; Prakasha, P. S.

An Intermodal Mobility Framework for AAM: Vision and First Results from the COLOSSUS Project Conference

DICUAM , Delft, 2024.

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Wang, S.; Pereira, L. T. Lima; Ragni, D.

A preliminary design exploration of UAM Vehicles Conference

DICUAM , Delft, 2024.

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Nugnes, V.

A System of Systems Aircraft Design Framework Demonstration using a seaplane transport network in the Greek islands Masters Thesis

Delft University of Technology, 2024.

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Saves, P.; Lafage, R.; Bartoli, N.; Diouane, Y.; Bussemaker, J.; Lefebvre, T.; Hwang, J. T.; Morlier, J.; Martins, J. R. R. A.

SMT 2.0: A Surrogate Modeling Toolbox with a focus on hierarchical and mixed variables Gaussian processes Journal Article

In: Advances in Engineering Software, vol. 188, 2024.

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Saves, P.

High-dimensional multidisciplinary design optimization for aircraft eco-design PhD Thesis

Institut Superieur de l’Aeronautique et de l’Espace, Toulouse, 2024.

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Berger, M.

A Door-to-Door Multimodal Simulation-Based Framework for the Integration of Advanced Air Mobility Design and Operations Masters Thesis

Delft University of Technology, 2023.

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Naeem, N.; Ratei, P.; Prakasha, P. S.; Zill, T.; Nagel, B.

Investigation of Heterogenous Fleets of Advanced Air Mobility Aircraft in an Agent-Based Simulation Conference

EASN , Salerno, 2023.

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Bartoli, N.; Lefebvre, T.; Lafage, R.; Saves, P.; Diouane, Y.; Morlier, J.; Bussemaker, J.; Donelli, G.; Mello, G. Gomes; Mandorino, J. M.; Vecchia, P. Della

Multi Objective Bayesian Optimization with mixed integer variables for Aeronautical applications Conference

AeroBest , Lisbon, 2023.

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Benedetti, G.

Implementation of the Actuator Disk model in CEASIOMpy for the simulation of propeller aircraft Masters Thesis

University of Genoa, 2023.

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